Double pressure gauge holder
Metal support, black lacquered for standard manometer D52 mm. Ready to fix.
(10,00 € HT)
Aluminum water departure on engine block - Ford star
Aluminum water supply on engine block to radiator - Ford Vedette 1949 to 1954 and Comète 13 hpCareful French manufacturing - machined and welded aluminum.Two parts are needed per engine. Sold individually.
(91,80 € HT)

Stainless heating steel T hose for Ford Vedette
Stainless steel T allowing the heating return to be connected to the lower main radiator hose. Ford Vedette, Vendôme or other vehicle using this system.
(30,00 € HT)
Ford Vedette large model radiator cap
Radiator cap, large model. For radiator neck approx. 66 mm Valve diameter approx. 49 mm
(35,30 € HT)
Ford Vedette dynamo-fan belt
Secondary propeller-dynamo belt for Ford Vedette
(15,00 € HT)
High hose for Ford Vedette
High hose for V8 Ford Vedette etc. (2 per engine) Sold individually.
(54,40 € HT)
Ø 16 mm purge te for heating or cooling circuit
Ø 16 mm purge te for heating or cooling circuit
(17,50 € HT)
Heating departure 16 mm for hose
Departure to equip a standard hose in the model with departure for heating.Diam. 16 mm
(23,50 € HT)
Ford Vedette Simca V8 Calorstat Thermostat
" Thermostat for cooling circuit. For V8 Vedette Ford and Simca Versailles, Chambord, Vendôme, Monte Carlo etc. (Two thermostats per V8 engine). Sold individually. "
(20,00 € HT)
Low hose for Ford Vedette
Low hose for Ford Vedette. (2 hoses per vehicle). Delivered individually. Add a stainless steel T if leaving to the heating radiator (available in the shop). Depending on the radiator model, length to be cut.
(21,00 € HT)
Temperature manometer with probe - black background
Mano "OS" temperature indicator (without electrical connection). Direct reading by probe mounted on a radiator hose (high outlet). 52 mm recess on the pressure gauge side.Capillary 1m80. Delivered with lighting and probe for the hose.
(65,00 € HT)
Support de manomètre
Support métalique, laqué noir pour manomètre standard D52 mm. Prêt à fixé.
(7,94 € HT)
Heating valve with lever Ø 16 mm
Heating valve with lever Ø 16 mm. Synthetic material (no corrosion problem). Length connection end to other: 113.5 mm
(26,70 € HT)
Cap for heating outlet ø 16 mm
Rubber plug for heating outlet on water pump or radiator. Delivered in ø 16mm by default (also available in 14 or 18 mm, just specify when ordering)
(4,00 € HT)
Radiator cap small model Ford Vedette Simca
Radiator cap, small model. For radiator neck approx. 56 mm Valve diameter approx. 39 mm
(27,88 € HT)