Ford Vedette oil pump pinion
Replacement gear for oil pump - V8 Ford Vedette. Supplied with 4 rivets. (Advantageously replaces the celoron one that has become fragile over time)Attention for the V8 Simca 13 hp 2350 cm3, choose the reference "Simca oil pump pinion" on our shop.
(187,00 € HT)
Electronic flasher unit 6V + on ground - Ford Vedette
(71,40 € HT)
IGOL Rallye Gear axle transmission oil SAE 75 80 90 - GL4
Oil for gearbox and bridge for old mechanics. Type SAE 75 80 90 - GL4. 1L container.(Not suitable for Peugeot type screw axles)
(15,00 € HT)
Ford Vedette exhaust valve
Ford Vedette exhaust valve, flared tail, rectified used.
(66,40 € HT)
IGOL 20W50 mineral oil - 5L can
5 l can (non contractual photo) - Viscosity: 20W-50BenefitsHéRITAGE GTZ mineral oil.Multigrade lubricant for Gasoline and Diesel engines, made from severely refined mineral bases and additives suitable for older engines. The anti-wear additive ...
(30,00 € HT)
Bearing 6203 - 17x40x12
Bearing - 17x40x12 waterproof (often used on dynamo, water pump, flywheel center, etc.). Check with the dimensions of your bearing.
(9,00 € HT)
Ignition harness V8 Ford Vedette Simca Versailles Chambord
High performance ignition harness, black silicone, interference suppression in accordance with European legislation. Lengths specially adapted for Ford Vedette, Bee V8 engines; Vendôme, Comète, Monte Carlo and Simca Trianon, Versailles, Régence, ...
(69,96 € HT)
Central intake gasket - Ford Vedette
Central gasket intake housing for Vedette Ford. Special model for small Ford V8. Attention does not suit the V8 Simca Versailles -Chambord
(50,00 € HT)
Fuel pump - GUIOT diaphragm kit Ø90mm - Ford Vedette Simca
Replacement diaphragm for GUIOT fuel pump (Vedette Ford and Simca engine). Diam 90mm. Supplied with membrane and gaskets. (check the type of pump before ordering)
(25,00 € HT)
Exhaust manifold paint - 250 ml
(40,00 € HT)
Regulateur électronique pour dynamo 6V positif à la masse - Ford Vedette - Simca Versailles
(191,00 € HT)
Ford Vedette dynamo-fan belt
Secondary propeller-dynamo belt for Ford Vedette
(15,00 € HT)
Carburetor gasket Stromberg Ford Vedette
Gasket for 22.2 Stromberg carburettor
(16,50 € HT)
Echappement sangle support renforcé 50 mm
Sangle de suspension pour échappement, caoutchouc armé. entraxe 52 mm pour vis M8 mm.
(9,03 € HT)
Echappement joint extremite bloc V8 Ford Vedette et Simca
" Exhaust gasket, engine block outlet, small model placed at the ends. 4 on one engine - Sold individually. "
(6,00 € HT)
Ford Vedette 54 disc clutch 215 mm
Clutch disc reconditioned, in standard exchange for Ford Vedette. Complete disassembly, micro balling and painting. (The sending is done after receipt of the used mechanism, not destroyed)(Depending on the year, non-contractual photo)
(120,00 € HT)