Prairie Goélette mechanism clutch
" Clutch mechanism reconditioned, in standard exchange. Fitted on Renault Colorale, Prairie, Goélette, Galion, R2087 and derivatives Complete disassembly, micro balling, surfacing and retaring of the pressure plate. (The sending is done after ...
(285,00 € HT)

Ford RAL 5005 blue engine paint - 500 ml
Ford RAL 5005 blue engine paint - 500 ml jarSuitable for engines, housings, gearboxes, differentials, brake drums and all parts subject to heating in cast iron, steel and light alloys.Direct application on degreased metal (or better, treated with ...
(34,00 € HT)

Fuel needle - Solex 32 PBIC carburettor or similar
Fuel needle - Solex 32 PBIC carburettor or similar
(9,90 € HT)
Renault Prairie Colorale transfer case bearing kit
Bearing kit for the reconditioning of Renault 4x4 Prairie Colorale, R2087 and derivative 4WD transfer boxes.The kit contains 6 bearings for the 3 internal shafts. It is important to replace the 3 waterproof rings sold on this store.(No ...
(320,25 € HT)
Turbine water pump 60 mm - pulley 112mm - Renault Fregate, Prairie, Goelette, R2087, ...
Water pump complete with Ø 112 pulley for 17mm belt - is mounted on tumbled engine 668 or 671 Renault Frégate, Prairie, Colorale, R2087, Goélette, Galion, SG2 12cv, and derivatives. Ø 60 mm (cannot be mounted on type 817 - 2.6L engine). The pump ...
(240,00 € HT)
Valve stem seals x 8 - Renault fregate Goelette Prairie
8 valve stem seals for Renault gasoline engine 668, 671, 817 mounted on Frégate, Prairie, R2087, Sg2, Goélette and derivatives
(37,50 € HT)
Ignition - complete igniter with vacuum - M48
Complete igniter with vacuum capsule AND centrifugal advance - similar curve Ducellier M48 - maximum advance 12 ° on igniter - delivered tested and greased. Dimensions :- length between shoulder (stop under the body) and end of trainer: 64mm- ...
(99,50 € HT)
Ignition coil 6V - High Performance
Bosch, NGK or Béru High Performance type ignition coil, guaranteed for use with:- 6 V platinum-plated screw igniter (breakers),- electronic ignition type 123 ignition,- platinum screw igniter + electronic amplification module
(68,00 € HT)
Ignition - 4 x Spark plugs for Renault Fregate
Set of 4 NGK spark plugs with std base (14 mm), Renault Fregate, Colorale, Prairie engine (side engine 603 and tumbled 668 or 671), R2087, Goélette, Galion, SG2 gasoline (engine 671 or 817) etc. Compatible with SP95 and SP98 fuels
(20,00 € HT)
Engine belt type Fregate Renault Goelette Prairie Fregate pulley 125
Belt for Renault type 668 and 671 engines (Colorale, Goélette, R2087, Frégate, etc)Assembly with water pump pulley D 125 mm - (We also have the belt for pulley 112 or 147 mm)
(20,00 € HT)
Renault Goelette Fregate bearings, dimension 0.25 - 55.75 mm
Set of 6 bearing shells, dimension 0.25, 55.75 mm trunnion, Renault type 668 - 671 engine (Colorale, Goélette, R2087, Frégate, etc.)668 and 671 engine and Super Etendard 817 - 2.6 L
(316,00 € HT)
Ignition silicone harness for Renault Frégate type engine
Ignition harness (5 wires) for Renault type 668 or 671 engine (Colorale, Goélette, R2087, Frégate, etc). Highly recommended with electronic ignition. Wire with red silicone insulator, works with platinum screws or electronic ignition, current ...
(35,00 € HT)
Oil breather plug - Renault Goelette R2087 Fregate Prairie
Oil breather plug - Renault Goelette R2087 Fregate PrairieDelivered with seal - original Renault product
(32,00 € HT)
Carburetor similar to the Solex 32 PBIC type for Renault Fregate
New carburettor similar to the Solex 32 PBIC type. Vacuum outlet on foot base. Equipped for Renault Frégate and derivatives
(185,00 € HT)
Renault Fregate Galion Goelette prairie petrol pump R2087
Fuel pump with priming lever and seal - Renault Fregate Galion Goelette prairie R2087
(60,00 € HT)