IGOL 20W50 mineral oil - 5L can
5 l can (non contractual photo) - Viscosity: 20W-50BenefitsHéRITAGE GTZ mineral oil.Multigrade lubricant for Gasoline and Diesel engines, made from severely refined mineral bases and additives suitable for older engines. The anti-wear additive ...
(30,00 € HT)
Ford Vedette water pump belt
Main belt connecting water pumps-crankshaft-fan
(20,00 € HT)
Pellet set of 4 - Ford Vedette and Simca engine block
Set of 4 pellets for Vedette Ford and Simca engine block diam. about 44 mm.
(44,00 € HT)
Ignition set 8 spark plugs V8 Ford Vedette Simca Versailles Chambord
Set of 8 NGK spark plugs for Ford Vedette, Comète, Vendôme, Monte Carlo and Simca Trianon, Versailles, Régence, Beaulieu, Chambord, Présidence, Marly 1 and 2 engines. Thermal index adapted to fuel Lead Free 95 and 98.
(40,00 € HT)
Exhaust suspension ring 63x96 width 27 mm - Peugeot 203
Suspension ring for Peugeot 203 exhaust and othersDimension approximately 63 x 96 x width 27 mm
(11,00 € HT)
Crankshaft bearing screws Ford 49 to 52
Set of bearing screws for V8 Ford Vedette model 1949 to 1952
(134,42 € HT)
Ford Vedette oil pump pinion
Replacement gear for oil pump - V8 Ford Vedette. Supplied with 4 rivets. (Advantageously replaces the celoron one that has become fragile over time)Attention for the V8 Simca 13 hp 2350 cm3, choose the reference "Simca oil pump pinion" on our shop.
(187,00 € HT)
Pinion oil pump mounted on axis - Ford Vedette
Replacement gear for oil pump - V8 Ford Vedette.Delivered riveted with new axle. (Advantageously replaces the celoron one that has become fragile over time)Attention for the V8 Simca 13 hp 2350 cm3, choose the reference "Simca oil pump pinion" on ...
(270,20 € HT)
Ford Vedette air filter + breather sticker
" Sticker for air filter and breather cap. Mounts on Ford V8 Vedette, Vendôme, Cometer, Monte Carlo etc. Sticker "
(19,26 € HT)
Ford 53 and 54 crankshaft bearing screws
Set of bearing screws for V8 Ford Vedette model 1953 and 1954
(134,42 € HT)
Rod bearings Ford Vedette 53-54 or Simca Chambord - 040 - 43.57 mm
" Set of bearings (16 half-shells) for Ford Vedette 2nd generation 1953-54 and Simca V8 engines. Dimension: .040 US (1 mm) Each connecting rod receives its pair of bearings. "
(365,83 € HT)
Electronic flasher unit 6V + on ground - Ford Vedette
(71,40 € HT)
Ford Vedette 54 disc clutch 215 mm
Clutch disc reconditioned, in standard exchange for Ford Vedette. Complete disassembly, micro balling and painting. (The sending is done after receipt of the used mechanism, not destroyed)(Depending on the year, non-contractual photo)
(120,00 € HT)
Engine oil pan gasket Ford Vedette 1949 - 54
Engine oil pan gasket Ford Vedette 1949 - 54 - French manufacture.Composed of 2 parts
(16,58 € HT)
Fuel pump - 6V or 12V control push button
6 or 12v 10A push button. Can be used to activate an electric fuel pump for a few seconds, for example.
(8,25 € HT)
6V electric fuel pump
6V electric fuel pump. To be connected to the ignition coil power supply. Connects in series with the original fuel line.Allows you to keep the manual pump. Avoids having to lift the hood to turn up gasoline before starting.Is intended to remain ...
(75,00 € HT)