Reinforced collar for exhaust - Ø 44-47 mm
Reinforced collar for exhaust - Ø 44-47 mmRobust French manufacturing
(4,83 € HT)
Crankshaft bearing screws Ford 49 to 52
Set of bearing screws for V8 Ford Vedette model 1949 to 1952
(134,42 € HT)
Engine red paint - 500 ml -
Engine red paint -Pot of 500 mlSuitable for engines, housings, gearboxes, differentials, brake drums and all parts subject to heating in cast iron, steel and light alloys.Direct application on degreased metal (or better, treated with our Phosprim ...
(34,00 € HT)
Fuel pump - 6V or 12V control push button
6 or 12v 10A push button. Can be used to activate an electric fuel pump for a few seconds, for example.
(8,25 € HT)
Ford Vedette V8 oil filter housing seal
Circular seal for Ford Vedette, Vendôme and Simca Vedette oil filter housing.Can be mounted on a cover or on a base depending on the model and year
(8,96 € HT)
Ignition coil 12v VALEO
Ignition coil guaranteed for use with a 12 V platinum screw igniter (breakers). Impedance respected to prevent the breakers from bluing.Works perfectly also with electronic module or integral electronic igniter. (Non contractual photo)
(48,00 € HT)
Ford Vedette gearbox inlet seal ring
Sealing ring (oil seal) placed at the Ford Vedette gearbox outlet.35 x 51
(14,17 € HT)
Ignition harness V8 Ford Vedette Simca Versailles Chambord
High performance ignition harness, black silicone, interference suppression in accordance with European legislation. Lengths specially adapted for Ford Vedette, Bee V8 engines; Vendôme, Comète, Monte Carlo and Simca Trianon, Versailles, Régence, ...
(69,96 € HT)
Ignition coil 12v standard
Ignition coil guaranteed for use with a 12 V platinum screw igniter (breakers). Impedance respected to prevent the breakers from bluing.Works perfectly also with electronic module or integral electronic igniter. (Non contractual photo)
(38,70 € HT)
Temperature manometer with probe - black background
Mano "OS" temperature indicator (without electrical connection). Direct reading by probe mounted on a radiator hose (high outlet). 52 mm recess on the pressure gauge side.Capillary 1m80. Delivered with lighting and probe for the hose.
(65,00 € HT)
Support de manomètre
Support métalique, laqué noir pour manomètre standard D52 mm. Prêt à fixé.
(7,94 € HT)
12V electric fuel pump
" 12V electric fuel pump. Connects in series with the original fuel line. Keeps the hand pump. Avoids having to lift the hood to turn up gasoline before starting. To be powered through a push button for occasional operation. Low pressure, no need ...
(55,00 € HT)
Regulateur électronique pour dynamo 6V positif à la masse - Ford Vedette - Simca Versailles
(191,00 € HT)
Echappement sangle support renforcé 50 mm
Sangle de suspension pour échappement, caoutchouc armé. entraxe 52 mm pour vis M8 mm.
(9,03 € HT)
Head gasket 1.6 mm Ford Vedette standard
" Cylinder head gasket for Ford Vedette 1949 to 1954. One side all copper, the other with copper hems, thickness 1.6 mm approximately Measured cylinder head thickness Head gasket type 37.3 mm (original) 1.6 mm standard gasket from 37.0 ...
(75,00 € HT)