Rod bearings Ford Vedette 53-54 or Simca Chambord - 010 - 44.34 mm
" Set of bearings (16 half-shells) for Ford Vedette 2nd generation 1953-54 and Simca V8 engines. Dimension: .010 US (0.25 mm) Each connecting rod receives its pair of bearings. "
(390,00 € HT)
Regulateur électronique pour dynamo 6V positif à la masse - Ford Vedette - Simca Versailles
(191,00 € HT)

Ford and Simca Vedette rod stopper
Set of 16 retainers for V8 Simca or Ford Vedette connecting rod. V8 12 and 13cvOriginally compliant
(34,30 € HT)
Ford Vedette Stromberg 22.2 Carburetor Kit
Overhaul kit for Stromberg 22.2 (2x30 mm) carburetor. Delivered with complete recovery pump. Fitting on Ford Vedette.
(80,00 € HT)
Carburetor gasket Stromberg Ford Vedette
Gasket for 22.2 Stromberg carburettor
(16,50 € HT)
Battery switch - safety
Battery isolator - used to electrically isolate the battery. To be placed on a terminal of the battery.
(10,00 € HT)
Fuel pump - GUIOT diaphragm kit Ø90mm - Ford Vedette Simca
Replacement diaphragm for GUIOT fuel pump (Vedette Ford and Simca engine). Diam 90mm. Supplied with membrane and gaskets. (check the type of pump before ordering)
(25,00 € HT)
Bearing 6203 - 17x40x12
Bearing - 17x40x12 waterproof (often used on dynamo, water pump, flywheel center, etc.). Check with the dimensions of your bearing.
(9,00 € HT)
Ignition capacitor 6, 12 and 24V
6.12V and 24V compatible ignition capacitor.
(12,00 € HT)
Water pump repair kit with aluminum impeller - Ford Vedette
Repair kit for water pump for "Y" or "T" pump body - years 1949-54. New axle is 16mm instead of 12 mm. So you need to drill body 16.5 mm. We recommend correcting the seat of the rotating joint at the back of the body.
(151,20 € HT)
Crankshaft bearing screws Ford 49 to 52
Set of bearing screws for V8 Ford Vedette model 1949 to 1952
(134,42 € HT)
Ford Vedette 54 disc clutch 215 mm
Clutch disc reconditioned, in standard exchange for Ford Vedette. Complete disassembly, micro balling and painting. (The sending is done after receipt of the used mechanism, not destroyed)(Depending on the year, non-contractual photo)
(120,00 € HT)

Engine paint oxide green RAL 6020 - 500 ml
Engine paint oxide green RAL 6020 -Pot of 500 mlSuitable for engines, housings, gearboxes, differentials, brake drums and all parts subject to heating in cast iron, steel and light alloys.Direct application on degreased metal (or better, treated ...
(34,00 € HT)

IGOL 20W50 mineral oil - 5L can
5 l can (non contractual photo) - Viscosity: 20W-50BenefitsHéRITAGE GTZ mineral oil.Multigrade lubricant for Gasoline and Diesel engines, made from severely refined mineral bases and additives suitable for older engines. The anti-wear additive ...
(30,00 € HT)