Kit of 12V electric fuel pump
" 12V electric fuel pump. Connects in series with the original fuel line. Keeps the hand pump. Avoids having to lift the hood to turn up gasoline before starting. To be powered through a push button for occasional operation. Low pressure, no need ...
(80,00 € HT)
Calibrouge (Plastigage) mechanical clearance measurement
"Plastigage"The Calibrouge ("plastigage or plastigauge") is a simple and practical tool for measuring the clearances of your bearings. Range of use: operating clearance from 0.025 to 0.175 mm
(22,50 € HT)
sticker ford oil filter
Oil filter sticker. Mounts on Ford V8 Vedette, Vendôme, Comète, Monte Carlo etc.
(9,63 € HT)
Clutch mechanism Ford Vedette
Clutch mechanism reconditioned, in standard exchange mounted on Ford Vedette, Abeille, Comète, Monte Carlo, Vendôme engine Complete disassembly, micro balling, surfacing and retaring of the pressure plate. (The sending is done after receipt ...
(262,50 € HT)

Ford Vedette 54 disc clutch 215 mm
Clutch disc reconditioned, in standard exchange for Ford Vedette. Complete disassembly, micro balling and painting. (The sending is done after receipt of the used mechanism, not destroyed)(Depending on the year, non-contractual photo)
(120,00 € HT)

Fuel pump - 6V or 12V control push button
6 or 12v 10A push button. Can be used to activate an electric fuel pump for a few seconds, for example.
(8,25 € HT)
Ford Vedette water pump belt
Main belt connecting water pumps-crankshaft-fan
(20,00 € HT)
Rod bearings Ford Vedette 53-54 or Simca Chambord - STD - 44.59 mm
" Set of bearings (16 half-shells) for Ford Vedette 2nd generation 1953-54 and Simca V8 engines. Dimension: STD - 44.59 mm Each connecting rod receives its pair of bearings. "
(390,00 € HT)
Electronic flasher unit 6V + on ground - Ford Vedette
(71,40 € HT)
liner Ø 66.04 - semi finished 65.50 - Simca V8 Versailles Chambord
Liner Ø 66.04 - semi finished 65.50 - long 168mm Ø outside 69 mm Ø flange 70 mm height 5mm - Simca V8 Versailles Chambord - sold individually
(58,17 € HT)
bearing stops - Ford 1949 to 52
Set of 4 retainers for V8 Ford Vedette 1949 - 52 (Strainer with spring and support on central bearing)
(20,34 € HT)
Oil filter foot gasket Ford Vedette Simca
Gasket to be placed between the central crankcase and the base of the oil filter. "Y" shaped.
(15,00 € HT)
6V electric fuel pump
6V electric fuel pump. To be connected to the ignition coil power supply. Connects in series with the original fuel line.Allows you to keep the manual pump. Avoids having to lift the hood to turn up gasoline before starting.Is intended to remain ...
(75,00 € HT)